Thought Bubble

Thought Bubble: I shall hold my desires gently, patiently within my heart.

December 16, 2010

At Design Tide 2010 . 我在 Design Tide 2010

Through the massive installation Myomu (Weird Dream) at Tokyo Midtown.
由Tokyo Midetown的大型裝制藝術Myomu框住這一刻。

Design Tide 2010 takes place inside Tokyo Midtown shopping mall. I went there right after visiting Tokyo Designer's Week 2010. To be much more detailed, I travel by Toei subway Oedo Line; stop at Roppongi Station and exit by exit 8. I tell you this, because there are many many exits in each stations in Tokyo. I think there are about 25 exits at Tokyo Station (That place is huge!).

Design Tide 2010 在 Tokyo Midtown裡面展覽,我逛完Tokyo Designer's Week 2010後就去Design Tide,要說更詳細點,就是搭都營地下鐵大江戶線,六本木下車,然後從第8出口出去,會說這個因為東京的車站有很多很多出口,東京站就有大約25個出口(那個地方超大的!)。

November 23, 2010

Special Report: Tokyo Designer's Week 2010

So! There I am, at Tokyo Designer's Week. This year's theme is Environmental Design. The location is at Meiji Jingu Gaien. The area around there is beautiful and the pace is peaceful and slow. I pass through that famous Gingko tree boulevard and reach the exhibition before 11am. Many Japanense dramas are filmed at that Gingko tree boulevard. Actually Tokyo is full of Gingko tree. No wonder Toei Subway uses Gingko leaf as their logo.

Many people are riding bicycles. I've heard that you can get 500yen off the regular ticket price (2000yen) if you bring a bicycle along to the exhibition.

Tokyo Designer's Week 2010我來了! 今年的主題是環境設計,地點是在明治神宮外苑。附近的環境很美,步調是輕鬆與緩慢的,我經過那個有名的銀杏樹大道,上午11點以前到達展覽場,很多日劇都是在那個銀杏樹大道取景的,其實東京充滿著銀杏樹,難怪都營地鐵的logo是片銀杏葉。

很多人騎單車到會場,我聽說帶單車來的人可以得到500 yen的折扣 (原價2000yen) 。

October 25, 2010




October 18, 2010

poupee girl

最近好喜歡玩的一個網路遊戲是poupee girl.
poupee girl 可以幫娃娃穿衣,買入新的衣物,分享自己衣櫥私物,還可以參加造型比賽,很有趣~~
雖然是虛擬世界,但是感覺有現實世界的原則與互動,遊戲鼓勵玩家互相稱讚彼此的造型,其實大家造型個個都配的很有型呢!大部份都是Lorita, Punk, 蕾絲Sweet Girl, 偏日本的style, 因為大部份的玩家是日本人,也有一些歐州的,南美和亞州國家的玩家,還蠻多都是用英語,可以看世界個地的style,很有意思!


Recently I love playing an online game called poupee girl.
I'm saving money for my trip so I use this game to fulfill my desire to shop. 
You can dress up your poupee doll with items, shop in the poupee world, share photo of clothing from your closet and participate in styling contest. It's really fun. You can feel the rules of reality applies to this virtual world. The game encourages players to acknowledge eachother's outfits by clicking the "Pretty" bottom. It's real cool that most people are great stylists. There are lots Lorita style, punk, sweet girl style; mostly more of the Japanese girl styles. That's because the players of this game are mostly Japanese. There are some from Europe, South America and other Asian countries. Many use English. It's very interesting to see different styles around the world.

Most importantly, it's FREE!!

MY poupee BEST造型

yep....i really like that hat.

September 20, 2010

The Last Goodbye

Lee Alexander McQueen's memorial service took place at London St. Paul's Cathedral on Monday September 20, 2010. Crowds gathered and attended the service. The guest list is like an A-listed red carpet event, including Anna Wintour, Kate Moss, Sarah Jessica Parker and Naomi Campbell. American Vogue editor in chief delivered a memorial speech in which she spoke of McQueen; "As a child he loved nothing more than sitting on the rooftop and watching birds fly by. His final collection was a battle between dark and light. His was an 18-year career of harnessing his dreams and demons ... But he has left us with an even more exceptional legacy, a talent that soared like the birds of his childhood above us all."

Sources said McQueen took a cocktail of drugs insists of cocaine and sleeping pills before hanging himself in the wardrobe at his house in Mayfair, central London. His housekeeper is the first who discovered his death.

Bjork paid tribute singing Billy Holiday's 'Gloomy Sunday'. She stood like one of McQueen's angels. 
Many wore Alexander McQueen's design.

See more picture here

I'm glad I got to know this news on the same day, just few hours after reported on various website. I've been tracking and writing posts regarding Lee Alexander McQueen's about since I fell in love with his work. Goodbye to you, McQueen. 

LONG LIVE MCQUEEN! His legacy lives on.

星期一,2010年9月20日在倫敦St. Paul's 大教堂舉行Lee Alexander McQueen的追思禮拜,大批名眾聚集參加,參加的來賓名單 個個是A咖級的人物,有Anna Wintour, Kate Moss, Sarah Jessica Parker 和 Naomi Campbell等等, 美國Vogue總編輯Anna Wintour上台發表一段追思感言,她說到McQueen小時候喜歡坐在屋頂上看天空中飛翔的鳥,他最後的系列作品是一場黑暗與光的戰鬥,在18年間的工作生涯他駕馭著他的夢與惡魔...但他留給我們的是更特別的薪傳,他的才華,像他小時候看到的鳥一樣,高高的翱翔在我們之上。


Bjork特別現唱一首Billy Holiday的 Gloomy Sunday致意,打扮的就好像McQueen版的天使。許多人穿McQueen的設計出席追思禮拜。


我很慶幸能在當天就知道這個新聞,從我愛上McQueen作品後,一直都有在追關於Lee Alexander McQueen的新聞,再見了McQueen。

McQueen萬歲! 他的薪傳正繼續著。

image from

September 15, 2010

Coco Mademoiselle x 3

from Chanel US website

from Chanel UK website

 from French Elle magazine


September 10, 2010

John Galliano式的出場 . The John Galliano style

當看完最後一個model走秀,接下來觀眾都等著為設計師鼓掌拍手,每個設計師都有不同的謝場風格,我最最期代看到的就是John Galliano 大師的出場,大部份的都是害羞的匆匆露個臉就進後台了,但大師的出場就是不一樣!整場最搶眼,最妖豔的就是他吧!!

以下是John Galliano 最令人驚豔,拍案叫絕的前五名造型:

The audience all await to applause the designer when the last model walks down the runway. In turns of to enter an appearance, every designer does it differently. The designer I look forward the most is Master John Galliano. Most designer bashfully appears for a second then runs back to back stage. Master John Galliano is just outstanding! He catches the most attention in the entire show!

The following is the top 5 outstanding, eye poping,  alien screaming WOW moments of John Galliano's runway style.

August 26, 2010


So this is what happened. You mixed great art with friends and the local hipsters = SPECTACULAR SHOW. Once again MJ from around the way and the gang outdone themselves and produced a great show. DIRTY POP! art show was smoking that night. The place was so packed with people and lots talented local artists.

是這樣的,當你把好的作品和朋友 + 當地的型男美女,等於一個讚到炫目耀眼的show。MJ from around the way 和她的一幫夥伴又一次的完美得演出一場很棒的 art show,DIRTY POP! art show當晚是超熱門的,會場是擠滿了人和一群有才華的藝術新秀。

August 14, 2010


You are invited to come to the DIRTY POP! ART SHOW!
my work is featured in the show!

Saturday August 21, 2010

Box Studios (1622 Franklin Street)
The Franklin Room (1612 Franklin Street)

Vancouver, BC

Doors: 9pm


more info:

August 5, 2010

The Last McQueen

Hello friends,

Haven't been here quite a while. Yes, I'm like that sometimes. Just don't want to get attach too close to anything. Here is my tribute to Lee Alexander McQueen's late work. I've been working on this illustration for a long time. This is an emotional one for me. I worked on it while listening to the theme song of Schindler's List repeatedly. ( McQueen used the song for his Kate Moss hologram Fall/ Winter 2006 show ) Feeling sad and moody; thus and so this illustration is born.

I remember Lee Alexander McQueen.

好久沒來這裡了,我有時都會這樣,什麼都要保持個距離,這是記念Lee Alexander McQueen 最後作品的插畫,我創作這張圖有很長的一段時間,是有感情的作品,我創作時反複的聽著 Schindler's List 的主題曲 (McQueen 在Fall/ Winter 2006 的Kate Moss 3D投影像 show中使用這首歌當背景)我邊畫感到感傷與情緒化之中,這張圖誕生了。

我記念 Lee Alexander McQueen。


July 10, 2010

My Fav Boutique in Vancouver

It's far from where i live but it's my fav clothing boutique in Vancouver.
Front & Company

it's located on south of Main St. and E.22 Ave.
...not so close to sky train station. Need to do some busing from Broadway Station.
 It was their window display that first caught my eyes. It's so artsy and creative! And it's always so different and unique. I took some pictures of the window display last time i went there. The window display is designed by the store's manager Sonia and assembled by the people who work there.

It's so awesome! The display is for the 2010 Fall season ahead. so it will be there for about 4 months.
Check it out if you are near by.


在 Main St. and E.22 Ave上面。
離電車有些距離,在Broadway 站要轉搭公車。是他們的櫥窗設計讓我注意到這家店,非常藝術&有創意,每次都很不同與特別,我之前去時照了些他們的櫥窗設計,設計者是店長Sonia,再由店員們組裝,這個櫥窗是為了要來臨的 2010秋季所設計,會展示大約4個月,如果你逛到附近,要去看看啊!

June 23, 2010

Beyond Wonderland

這是我最近參加的一個多人畫展,Beyond Wonderland,主題是愛麗思夢遊仙境,夢幻的事物。左圖的中間三件是我的作品,由上至下是:CRÈME BRÛLÉE from Sweet Revenge, W. Rabbit, Miss Chanel.

I have recently participated in a group art show called Beyond Wonderland. The theme is Alice in Wonderland and Fantasy beings. Left: The 3 pieces in the center are my art works. From top to bottom is CRÈME BRÛLÉE from Sweet Revenge, W. Rabbit, Miss Chanel.

June 9, 2010

In the Liquor Store

These are what i found...

 i like this.

$59.99 CAN a pop. Not bad for a skull shape bottle.

June 6, 2010

死亡 . Death

After watching A Single Man, directed by Tom Ford, I finally understand why I'm so fascinating about death. I love the idea of future; death is in the future. There's a place that i will be traveling to in the future, that place is death. It's the same for everyone. Death is not in the past. Death is the future.

看完Tom Ford導演的 A Single Man後,我終於了解我為什麼對死亡的題材那麼感興趣,我喜愛未來,死亡其實就是未來。 在未來我會到一個地方,那個地方就是死亡,每個人都是一樣的,死亡不是在過去,死亡是未來。

photography by Tim Walker

June 1, 2010

Love for Gaga

I can always count on Lady Gaga to inspire my illustration.

May 23, 2010

2010 東京設計展 . 2010 Tokyo Art Events

最近在查日本的好玩去處,找到2010的兩個大牌的設計 插畫展,在這裡分享一下。

Tokyo Designers Week 2010
2010年. 十月29號-11月3號

這活動有2大活動館,一個叫100% Design Tokyo, 令一個是 Design Tide,以及其它多至600,000多的小展館分佈在東京地區。

Recently i'm doing research on where to go for fun in Japan. I found 2 major art events in Tokyo. I want to share it with you all~

Tokyo Designers Week 2010
October 29-November 3, 2010
This year's theme is Environmental Design.

This events have 2 big exhibition tents. 100% Design Tokyo and Design Tide. Also there's more than 600,000 exhibitions happening in Tokyo through out the events.

2009與 2008的Tokyo Designer Week, 100% Design Tokyo館

May 12, 2010

設計 . Design

感覺我做設計越來越得心應手。(中文好像越來越差。。。)不管怎樣,能選 case,絕對是一件幸福的事,哈哈,能做到這樣的人生還蠻成功的~最近都便宜的幫別人做設計,客戶是一群認真的人,組合唱團為了是對歌唱的喜愛,看到這樣我都很想幫他們,設計 算是我能為這世界做的貢獻吧...

 I feel i'm getting better at design. It is such happiness to have the option to pick cases to design. To be able to do that is consider a successful life to me. Recently I have been designing for less $$. My client are a group of passionate people. They formed a choir for the love of singing. That makes me want to help them. Design is probably something i can do to attribute to this world...

May 6, 2010

姐妹 . Sisters

Miu Miu 這春季的系列人氣很旺,每個雜誌都有做feature,我最喜歡的是 Interview雜誌的這個feature,我最喜歡這種帶有神秘,毛骨聳然的雙胞胎姐妹主題,我以前也有畫一張雙胞胎姐妹的插畫,靈感是從電視上的靈媒節目中的一張照片得到的,那集講的是一對雙胞胎姐妹的魂在百年的老屋鬧新屋主,後來新屋主在老屋的閣樓找到一張照片,照片裡就有一對雙胞胎姐妹。


Miu Miu's Spring collection is very popular these days. Almost all fashion magazines features their items in their issue. My favourite of all is the editorial in Interview Magazine. I just love mysterious, creepy kind of twin sister theme.

I did an illustration about twin sister once. The inspiration is from a ghost medium show on TV. That particular show is about a twin sisters ghosts lingering in the old hundred year house and bothering the new owner. The new owner later found an old photograph in the house's attic. In the photograph stood the twin sisters.

I really want to draw a certain gesture of the sisters after i saw the photograph...

images from Interview Magazine, illustration by Lavi Liao

May 2, 2010


 設計了一個專題關於印度的一種特別傳統服裝叫 Saris。一件可以有很多不同的穿法,我造型了6種穿法,照相時,綁得手很酸。。。

I designed a feature about a interesting clothing called Saris from India. You can style it in many different ways, i did 6 of the styles. Hands got pretty tired from tying and stretching the fabric during the photo shoot...

April 21, 2010

曲線新風潮 . A New Curvy Trend

最近時尚界很熱門的話題就是 Size。大家都在講,時尚編輯,設計師,還有我們這些小百性們。 Plus-size模特兒 一直以來都算是時尚界的禁忌,很久很久~都是。現在個個開始浮出臺面,成為時尚界的新寵兒。打頭號的是美麗的Lara Stone。她不能算是標準的Plus-size模特兒體型,但是至少她不是 size 0號。

嘿!對有些人來說在雜誌或伸展台上看到plus-size模特兒會感到不安衝極,須要時間的調適。我必須要承認我也有些感到不適應當我第一次翻看我買的 V 雜誌 Size專刊,裡面有模特兒 Crystal Renn, Candice Huffine, Marquita Pring and Tara Lynn. 第一次翻看的時候感到怪怪的,但之後多看幾次後就覺得跟平常沒什麼不同,有可能是我太習慣於在雜誌裡看到瘦八八像竿子的模特兒,看到不同體型的模特兒,就感覺怪怪的。


我很高興 V雜誌著重於讚頌每種體型的美,而不是批評時尚界的虛假。

這些女孩子是戰士,像Crystal Renn在模特兒界站出來,給了許多女孩鼓勵,曲線型的女孩子也是很美麗的,她們也應當在雜誌與伸展台上出現。

最近聽說 Calvin Klein決定不再採用0-2 size的模特兒在伸展台上走秀,之前又是 Louis Vuitton Fall 2010 RTW show採用許多曲線型的模特兒,加拿大新秀設計師 Mark Fast 走紅國際因著在他的 Spring 2010 RTW Show採用許多 plus-size模特兒。


在時尚界size 12以上就算是plus-size了。

There's this rave about sizes in fashion these days. Everyone is at it, i do mean everyone! Fashion editors, designers and people like us. Plus-size models have been a taboo in high end fashion for a long long time, feel like centuries long. Now they are rising, like Venus rises above the sea. All of sudden, they are becoming the it girls. The troop is lead by the gorgeous Lara Stone. I can't say she is the curvy kind but at least she is not size 0.

Hey, some might see curvy girls in magazine and on runway as culture shock. People needs time to adjust. I have to admit that I got my share of culture shock when I flipped through V Magazine's Size Issue which I bought from Sophia Books. Magazine features models such as Crystal Renn, Candice Huffine, Marquita Pring and Tara Lynn. I feel a bit uneasy when I look through the magazine for the first time. However, after more reads I see nothing strange at all. Probably because I got so used to see stick looking girls in magazine that actually made me feel strange to see other body type features in magazine.

We need more curvy girls in magazine!

I'm just glad to see V Magazine focus on the beauty of all body types instead of criticizing on the shallowness of the fashion industry.

These girls are fighters. To see girls like Crystal Renn stand tall in the model business gives encouragement to girls every where. Curvy girls are beautiful too! They deserve to be in the magazine and on the runway.

Recently I've heard Calvin Klein made decision not to cast size 0-2 models for their runway show anymore. Also the very curvy casting of Louis Vuitton Fall 2010 RTW. And Canadian designer Mark Fast's rise to international fame when he features many plus-size models for his Spring 2010 RTW show.

A sign of change indeed.

!Fashion Knowledge
Size 12 and up would be consider a plus-size.

V Magazine Size Issue

April 15, 2010

Lavi's Shop

Alice in Wonderland: The Tragedy of W. Rabbit 明信片 故事集。

Introducing my online shop.
The shop features my art works.
Grand opening...!
Right now features my self published book,
Alice in Wonderland: The Tragedy of W. Rabbit Postcard Storybook.


April 9, 2010

微整型 . Plastic Surgery



It's sad to see beautiful young girls spend money sticking needles on their face. 
Untruthful perception ,  Unnecessary tragedy.

image from google images.

April 5, 2010

卡通 . Avatar the Last Airbender

以前非常迷一個美國的動畫影集叫 Avatar the Last Airbender。 最近在拍真人電影版,出現一些片段畫面,也浮出一些問題。

I used to be obsessed about an American animated cartoon series called Avatar the Last Airbender. Recently they are filming a real action movie based on this cartoon. Some images surfaced online which cause the public to question the choice of casting.

後來想想覺得這部的創作者 Michael Dante DiMartino 和  Bryan Konietzko 非常不簡單,我從來沒有看過一部西方的動畫卡通那麼尊重亞州文化的。內容不但主角們都是亞州文化的背景與人種,裡頭的中文字全都有跟據的寫法,而且都是繁體中文!!!耶!有些字句也能夠寫的很優美。

To think back about this beloved cartoon, the creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko are truly amazing. I have never seen any Western cartoon so respectful towards the Asian culture. Not only the main characters came from Asian background. The Mandarin writings in the cartoon actually MAKE SENSE!! Plus they are beautifully done in traditional Mandarin.

比如說這段 Iroh將軍紀念兒子的片段,真的詮飾的很美,紙上的中文寫的字句也很完美。超愛這段的,每次看都想哭〜

For example this section from Avatar the Last Airbender's Tales of Ba Sing Se is just beautifully told. Makes me want to cry every time i watch it.

March 30, 2010

Chanel Spring 2010 Couture

畫了一張很春天的 Chanel Spring Collection,那個頭的造型很有趣,但如果一不小心就會變老氣了。

Spring is here!
Here is a very spring feeling illustration of Chanel Spring Collection I did. Very interesting head styling however can be a bit oldie looking when not careful.

March 23, 2010

時尚Alice . Couture Alice

我愛電影 Alice in Wonderland!!! 看完電影,感覺這部的背後訊息與自己最近的生活有關...我想要像Alice一樣,有主見的走自己的人生!看完電影有給自己充了些信心!電影中Alice穿的服裝我都好喜歡~~我也想穿~!來談Alice 的服裝吧!

I love the movie Alice in Wonderland! I feel the message in the story is related to my life. I want to become a strong-minded person like Alice. I feel I have gained some confidence after watching the movie. Absolutely love, love what Alice are wearing in the movie! I want to wear them too~ Let's talk about the fashion.

March 20, 2010

McQueen的最後16件憧境 . The Last 16 Visions By McQueen

2010 年 的 三月九日 是個特別的日子。

在巴黎 Francois Pinault 的沙龍室裡靜靜的舉行,Lee Alexander McQueen的儀式。16件他親手裁剪的最後作品,在他自殺前一星期內都默默裁剪製做的16件作品,正式呈現在全世界眼前。直到McQueen去世,16件作品差不多是80%完成。

背景放著是 McQueen 在剪裁時聽的歌劇音樂,毛骨悚然的魔音。

March 9, 2010 was a special day.
An ceremony was quietly taken place in salon of Francois Pinault, Paris. An special ceremony for Lee Alexander McQueen. The last 16 pieces of work hand crafted by him before his death are presented to the world.

The background music was a hunting opera soundtrack. McQueen worked on the last 16 pieces while listening to this music. The pieces were about 80% finished.


March 16, 2010

記念McQueen . McQueen Tribute


Lee, I want to thank you! It is you who allowed me to witness the extreme verge of beauty, the possibility to do the impossible and the infinite creativity for fashion.