Thought Bubble

Thought Bubble: I shall hold my desires gently, patiently within my heart.

April 5, 2010

卡通 . Avatar the Last Airbender

以前非常迷一個美國的動畫影集叫 Avatar the Last Airbender。 最近在拍真人電影版,出現一些片段畫面,也浮出一些問題。

I used to be obsessed about an American animated cartoon series called Avatar the Last Airbender. Recently they are filming a real action movie based on this cartoon. Some images surfaced online which cause the public to question the choice of casting.

後來想想覺得這部的創作者 Michael Dante DiMartino 和  Bryan Konietzko 非常不簡單,我從來沒有看過一部西方的動畫卡通那麼尊重亞州文化的。內容不但主角們都是亞州文化的背景與人種,裡頭的中文字全都有跟據的寫法,而且都是繁體中文!!!耶!有些字句也能夠寫的很優美。

To think back about this beloved cartoon, the creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko are truly amazing. I have never seen any Western cartoon so respectful towards the Asian culture. Not only the main characters came from Asian background. The Mandarin writings in the cartoon actually MAKE SENSE!! Plus they are beautifully done in traditional Mandarin.

比如說這段 Iroh將軍紀念兒子的片段,真的詮飾的很美,紙上的中文寫的字句也很完美。超愛這段的,每次看都想哭〜

For example this section from Avatar the Last Airbender's Tales of Ba Sing Se is just beautifully told. Makes me want to cry every time i watch it.

不像一些有名的卡通像 Simpsons, Family Guy, Cat Sha Gua 內容的所為中文,全都是不三不四,韓文日文中文加在一起的亂用,完全讀不出任何意思,在能說中文人的眼裡,像白痴一樣可笑,完全沒有尊重他人文化的努力。

Unlike some famous cartoon like Simpsons, Family Guy and Cat Sha Gua, the Mandarin writings make absolutely NO SENSE! They combine languages such as Korean, Japanese and Mandarin and GIBBERISH ( !)  into writings. To the native speaker's eyes, just idiotic. Didn't see any effort of respecting other nation's culture.

這次 Avatar the Last Airbender的電影,也被人指出選角的問題。 選角主角們都採用白人,只有Zuko之後換人才是印度人(是Slumdog Millionaire的主角!) 但Zuko應該是華人才對....很明顯的,應該讓那個為Zuko動畫配音的"Rufio"演啊!哈哈他在電影 Hook 裡演Lost boys頭頭 Rufio~( bangarang Rufio!!!ya~~~ ) 還有!奇怪的是,部族的人是有色膚種人,像愛斯基摩人...主角是白人,所以主角們是白人遺留的孤兒嗎?(不是!!!!!)

Some have pointed out concerns of Avatar the Last Airbender's casting. The hero are all caucasians. Zuko who was first cast as a caucasian actor then changed to Dev Patel ( The guy who starred in Slumdog Millionaire!) Although i do like Dev Patel but Zuko is Asian from the original series. What about that guy from Hook, Rufio? As the voice actor for Zuko, he is perfect for the role. ( bangarang Rufio!!!! )

不過我還是會期代電影啦!必盡我是愛 Avatar the Last Airbender的。但我沒說我會去電影院看喔〜〜

Still i will be anticipating the movie. I do love Avatar the Last Airbender. But i didn't say i'm going to watch it in the theatre.

images from Nickelodeon, Avatar the Last Airbender.


  1. 我也超愛這部卡通的!

    我印象最深刻就是 那個飛上月亮的公主~就是隱喻嫦娥呀!


  2. 不止中文连梵文,马来语都进入了
