Thought Bubble

Thought Bubble: I shall hold my desires gently, patiently within my heart.

May 23, 2010

2010 東京設計展 . 2010 Tokyo Art Events

最近在查日本的好玩去處,找到2010的兩個大牌的設計 插畫展,在這裡分享一下。

Tokyo Designers Week 2010
2010年. 十月29號-11月3號

這活動有2大活動館,一個叫100% Design Tokyo, 令一個是 Design Tide,以及其它多至600,000多的小展館分佈在東京地區。

Recently i'm doing research on where to go for fun in Japan. I found 2 major art events in Tokyo. I want to share it with you all~

Tokyo Designers Week 2010
October 29-November 3, 2010
This year's theme is Environmental Design.

This events have 2 big exhibition tents. 100% Design Tokyo and Design Tide. Also there's more than 600,000 exhibitions happening in Tokyo through out the events.

2009與 2008的Tokyo Designer Week, 100% Design Tokyo館

May 12, 2010

設計 . Design

感覺我做設計越來越得心應手。(中文好像越來越差。。。)不管怎樣,能選 case,絕對是一件幸福的事,哈哈,能做到這樣的人生還蠻成功的~最近都便宜的幫別人做設計,客戶是一群認真的人,組合唱團為了是對歌唱的喜愛,看到這樣我都很想幫他們,設計 算是我能為這世界做的貢獻吧...

 I feel i'm getting better at design. It is such happiness to have the option to pick cases to design. To be able to do that is consider a successful life to me. Recently I have been designing for less $$. My client are a group of passionate people. They formed a choir for the love of singing. That makes me want to help them. Design is probably something i can do to attribute to this world...

May 6, 2010

姐妹 . Sisters

Miu Miu 這春季的系列人氣很旺,每個雜誌都有做feature,我最喜歡的是 Interview雜誌的這個feature,我最喜歡這種帶有神秘,毛骨聳然的雙胞胎姐妹主題,我以前也有畫一張雙胞胎姐妹的插畫,靈感是從電視上的靈媒節目中的一張照片得到的,那集講的是一對雙胞胎姐妹的魂在百年的老屋鬧新屋主,後來新屋主在老屋的閣樓找到一張照片,照片裡就有一對雙胞胎姐妹。


Miu Miu's Spring collection is very popular these days. Almost all fashion magazines features their items in their issue. My favourite of all is the editorial in Interview Magazine. I just love mysterious, creepy kind of twin sister theme.

I did an illustration about twin sister once. The inspiration is from a ghost medium show on TV. That particular show is about a twin sisters ghosts lingering in the old hundred year house and bothering the new owner. The new owner later found an old photograph in the house's attic. In the photograph stood the twin sisters.

I really want to draw a certain gesture of the sisters after i saw the photograph...

images from Interview Magazine, illustration by Lavi Liao

May 2, 2010


 設計了一個專題關於印度的一種特別傳統服裝叫 Saris。一件可以有很多不同的穿法,我造型了6種穿法,照相時,綁得手很酸。。。

I designed a feature about a interesting clothing called Saris from India. You can style it in many different ways, i did 6 of the styles. Hands got pretty tired from tying and stretching the fabric during the photo shoot...