Thought Bubble

Thought Bubble: I shall hold my desires gently, patiently within my heart.

July 10, 2010

My Fav Boutique in Vancouver

It's far from where i live but it's my fav clothing boutique in Vancouver.
Front & Company

it's located on south of Main St. and E.22 Ave.
...not so close to sky train station. Need to do some busing from Broadway Station.
 It was their window display that first caught my eyes. It's so artsy and creative! And it's always so different and unique. I took some pictures of the window display last time i went there. The window display is designed by the store's manager Sonia and assembled by the people who work there.

It's so awesome! The display is for the 2010 Fall season ahead. so it will be there for about 4 months.
Check it out if you are near by.


在 Main St. and E.22 Ave上面。
離電車有些距離,在Broadway 站要轉搭公車。是他們的櫥窗設計讓我注意到這家店,非常藝術&有創意,每次都很不同與特別,我之前去時照了些他們的櫥窗設計,設計者是店長Sonia,再由店員們組裝,這個櫥窗是為了要來臨的 2010秋季所設計,會展示大約4個月,如果你逛到附近,要去看看啊!