Thought Bubble

Thought Bubble: I shall hold my desires gently, patiently within my heart.

June 23, 2010

Beyond Wonderland

這是我最近參加的一個多人畫展,Beyond Wonderland,主題是愛麗思夢遊仙境,夢幻的事物。左圖的中間三件是我的作品,由上至下是:CRÈME BRÛLÉE from Sweet Revenge, W. Rabbit, Miss Chanel.

I have recently participated in a group art show called Beyond Wonderland. The theme is Alice in Wonderland and Fantasy beings. Left: The 3 pieces in the center are my art works. From top to bottom is CRÈME BRÛLÉE from Sweet Revenge, W. Rabbit, Miss Chanel.

June 9, 2010

In the Liquor Store

These are what i found...

 i like this.

$59.99 CAN a pop. Not bad for a skull shape bottle.

June 6, 2010

死亡 . Death

After watching A Single Man, directed by Tom Ford, I finally understand why I'm so fascinating about death. I love the idea of future; death is in the future. There's a place that i will be traveling to in the future, that place is death. It's the same for everyone. Death is not in the past. Death is the future.

看完Tom Ford導演的 A Single Man後,我終於了解我為什麼對死亡的題材那麼感興趣,我喜愛未來,死亡其實就是未來。 在未來我會到一個地方,那個地方就是死亡,每個人都是一樣的,死亡不是在過去,死亡是未來。

photography by Tim Walker

June 1, 2010

Love for Gaga

I can always count on Lady Gaga to inspire my illustration.