Thought Bubble

Thought Bubble: I shall hold my desires gently, patiently within my heart.

October 25, 2010




October 18, 2010

poupee girl

最近好喜歡玩的一個網路遊戲是poupee girl.
poupee girl 可以幫娃娃穿衣,買入新的衣物,分享自己衣櫥私物,還可以參加造型比賽,很有趣~~
雖然是虛擬世界,但是感覺有現實世界的原則與互動,遊戲鼓勵玩家互相稱讚彼此的造型,其實大家造型個個都配的很有型呢!大部份都是Lorita, Punk, 蕾絲Sweet Girl, 偏日本的style, 因為大部份的玩家是日本人,也有一些歐州的,南美和亞州國家的玩家,還蠻多都是用英語,可以看世界個地的style,很有意思!


Recently I love playing an online game called poupee girl.
I'm saving money for my trip so I use this game to fulfill my desire to shop. 
You can dress up your poupee doll with items, shop in the poupee world, share photo of clothing from your closet and participate in styling contest. It's really fun. You can feel the rules of reality applies to this virtual world. The game encourages players to acknowledge eachother's outfits by clicking the "Pretty" bottom. It's real cool that most people are great stylists. There are lots Lorita style, punk, sweet girl style; mostly more of the Japanese girl styles. That's because the players of this game are mostly Japanese. There are some from Europe, South America and other Asian countries. Many use English. It's very interesting to see different styles around the world.

Most importantly, it's FREE!!

MY poupee BEST造型

yep....i really like that hat.