Thought Bubble

Thought Bubble: I shall hold my desires gently, patiently within my heart.

October 27, 2011

ROM in Toronto

kidding! What a magnificent building isn't?


ROM. Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.
Seems like almost everything in Toronto is called in initials. TTC, UT, on.
I went to ROM on Friday afternoon. Good news: It's half price ticket on Friday 4:30pm - 8:30pm.
I spotted the building right away coming from St. George Station.

ROM,Toronto的 Royal Ontario 博物館。
在Toronto好像大部份的東西都是以縮寫稱呼, TTC (地鐵), UT(Toronto大學), AGO(Ontario美術館),我星期五下午去ROM,好康道相報:星期五 4:30pm - 8:30pm 門票半價,從St. George站的方向走一下就看到博物館的建築啦。

October 19, 2011


It's the time to reveal my new KIMONO GIRL painting again!
This time is...

The muse is my girl Jenn. (Yes...I decided to name my muse from now on.) (For previous paintings, Pisces is Vicky, Taurus is myself.) Jenn is a classic Virgo girl. I was infected by Virgo's consistently uncertain thoughts when working on this painting. Crazy! Phew~i'm glad it's over now.

又是發表新的KIMONO GIRL畫作的時候了!

我的繆思是我好友Jenn,(我從今以後都要公佈我繆思的名子啦,雙魚是Vicky,金牛是我自己。) Jenn是一個標準的處女座女孩,我創作這張畫的時候被處女座的 "不停的改變想法" 影響得快瘋了,好險,已經結束了。

Now! Introducing the new KIMONO GIRL...

October 10, 2011

Nuit Blanche Night Out 2011

I got a chance to check out Nuit Blanche while I was visiting Toronto this year.
It is an one night only art event that lasts all night long til next morning.
There are art performances, exhibitions and random acts of interaction from people, which are also fun to see.

It's a free event.
Takes place on the street in downtown Toronto.

October 1, 2011 | 6:59pm to sunrise

今年我的Toronto之旅,有機會參加了當地的 Nuit Blanche藝術節,這是個整晚通宵到明天早上的藝術活動,有藝術表演,展覽和也非常有看頭的民眾互動反應。

免費 / 地點: Toronto市中心
2011年十月一日 / 6:59pm 到明早