不知道什麼時候開始,就常聽到有人高唱化妝是一種禮貌, 大概是從日本來的口語吧,許多台灣女孩也開始合音同唱, 我想化妝在日本或許真的是種文化的規矩,但那裡規矩真的太多了, 社會壓力非常大,我人隨便走走東京就有感受到一種壓力, 做什麼事最好不要太突出,真的有這種感覺。
Since when people started calling make-up is a form of manner? Perhaps it started from Japan. Many
of the Taiwanese girls started to sing along with the idea. Maybe
make-up is a kind of cultural rule in Japan. Japan is a country known
for its many rules - written ones and unspoken ones. There is high
pressure in their society. I experienced it personally when walking
casually on the street of Tokyo. "You better don't stand out too much in
the crowd." That is the feeling I get when I was visiting Tokyo.
説化妝是一種禮貌就好像在清朝説攙小腳是一種禮貌,在當時代, 聽聽覺得合理的,但女孩們,這是自由意識, 女性抬頭的2012年,為什麼我們要給自己加壓力?! 化妝也是會傷害皮膚的,為了迎合某陌生人的眼嗎?是社會壓力, 還是壞女孩想拉人下水?不過這世界真的對長得漂亮的人比較和善, 人人都想看正妹,型男啊,但如果化妝是禮貌啊, 為什麼最沒禮貌的還是那些濃妝艷抹的小鬼?!
我不是反對化妝,我要用設計的角度來談化妝, 當商品的品質都查不多時,包裝就成為關鍵了,同性質的粉底液 Loreal 和Lancôme 的價錢就差很多,Loreal $18; Lancôme $45,明明都是同一家集團的商品,內容類似,要分等級, 就要從包裝與宣傳下手,或許人也是一樣,在物質豐富,醫療進步, 無戰爭的社會,女孩們長的五官都有,四肢齊全,都差不多, 或許要得到更多的愛慕眼光,也是要從包裝自己下手, 化妝就是其中一項。
換個角度想,情況會不同,化妝就好像做一張面具,也是一種儀式, 花一兩小時精心打扮,準備自己面對未知的冒險,適當的包裝自己, 就是愛自己的行為,把自己打扮的美美的,心情開心, 人生或許也會比較幸福,但最重要的是那顆心,你的靈魂的本質, 做個心中有愛的人,愛自己,你就會懂得怎麼去愛別人。
say make-up is a form of manner is like saying bound foot is a form of
manner in the Chinese Qing Era. It sounds fair and nice in that
particular time period however is it really make sense from woman's
point of view? We are (or most of us) are living in a free will, women
rights conscious world. Why us women need to add another pressure unto
ourself?! Make-up can be harmful to the skin. Do we do it to please some
strangers eyes, adapt to social pressure or is it the mean girls
dragging us down. I have to be honest that this world is nicer to the
ones with physical beauty. Everyone want to watch a show of pretty girls
and men. However, if make-up is a form of manner, why is it the most
impolite people are those heavily make-up used brats!?
not against make-up. I want to discuss make-up from design's point of
view. There are many products with similar quality in the market right
now. The answer to making a product to stand out from the rest is
packaging. Packaging is the key to differentiate similar products. The
pricing of Loreal and Lancôme liquid foundation of similar quality are
greatly different. Loreal $18; Lancôme $45. The two products are from
the same company and similar quality. Packaging and advertisement
becomes the crucial elements to differentiate the level of these
products. Perhaps the same goes with human society. We are living in a
society of abundance materials, great medical advancement and no need of
war. Young women have face and body equipped with all the features, the
eyes, nose, arms and legs and etc. Girls all look similar. So packaging
of self comes handy in order to stand out from the crowd and enjoy more
loving attention. Make-up is one of the ways to achieve such goal.
will see things differently when you see it from another angle. Make-up
is like a mask and can be a ritual. You prepare yourself for a
unexplored adventure by 2 hours of dress up and make-up. It is a way to
love yourself by choosing the appropriate packaging. To feel beautiful
and happy may lead to a life of happiness. The most important is still
the soul within. Be the person with the abundance love. Love yourself
and then you'll learn to love others.
Make-up is a form of packaging, not a form of manner.
Note. I did the illustration. The illustration combines the action of doing make-up and gift packaging together. I love doing illustration for feature article!
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