Through the massive installation Myomu (Weird Dream) at Tokyo Midtown.
由Tokyo Midetown的大型裝制藝術Myomu框住這一刻。
Design Tide 2010 takes place inside Tokyo Midtown shopping mall. I went there right after visiting
Tokyo Designer's Week 2010. To be much more detailed, I travel by Toei subway Oedo Line; stop at Roppongi Station and exit by exit 8. I tell you this, because there are many many exits in each stations in Tokyo. I think there are about 25 exits at Tokyo Station (That place is huge!).
Design Tide 2010 在 Tokyo Midtown裡面展覽,我逛完
Tokyo Designer's Week 2010後就去Design Tide,要說更詳細點,就是搭都營地下鐵大江戶線,六本木下車,然後從第8出口出去,會說這個因為東京的車站有很多很多出口,東京站就有大約25個出口(那個地方超大的!)。