Thought Bubble

Thought Bubble: I shall hold my desires gently, patiently within my heart.

April 21, 2010

曲線新風潮 . A New Curvy Trend

最近時尚界很熱門的話題就是 Size。大家都在講,時尚編輯,設計師,還有我們這些小百性們。 Plus-size模特兒 一直以來都算是時尚界的禁忌,很久很久~都是。現在個個開始浮出臺面,成為時尚界的新寵兒。打頭號的是美麗的Lara Stone。她不能算是標準的Plus-size模特兒體型,但是至少她不是 size 0號。

嘿!對有些人來說在雜誌或伸展台上看到plus-size模特兒會感到不安衝極,須要時間的調適。我必須要承認我也有些感到不適應當我第一次翻看我買的 V 雜誌 Size專刊,裡面有模特兒 Crystal Renn, Candice Huffine, Marquita Pring and Tara Lynn. 第一次翻看的時候感到怪怪的,但之後多看幾次後就覺得跟平常沒什麼不同,有可能是我太習慣於在雜誌裡看到瘦八八像竿子的模特兒,看到不同體型的模特兒,就感覺怪怪的。


我很高興 V雜誌著重於讚頌每種體型的美,而不是批評時尚界的虛假。

這些女孩子是戰士,像Crystal Renn在模特兒界站出來,給了許多女孩鼓勵,曲線型的女孩子也是很美麗的,她們也應當在雜誌與伸展台上出現。

最近聽說 Calvin Klein決定不再採用0-2 size的模特兒在伸展台上走秀,之前又是 Louis Vuitton Fall 2010 RTW show採用許多曲線型的模特兒,加拿大新秀設計師 Mark Fast 走紅國際因著在他的 Spring 2010 RTW Show採用許多 plus-size模特兒。


在時尚界size 12以上就算是plus-size了。

There's this rave about sizes in fashion these days. Everyone is at it, i do mean everyone! Fashion editors, designers and people like us. Plus-size models have been a taboo in high end fashion for a long long time, feel like centuries long. Now they are rising, like Venus rises above the sea. All of sudden, they are becoming the it girls. The troop is lead by the gorgeous Lara Stone. I can't say she is the curvy kind but at least she is not size 0.

Hey, some might see curvy girls in magazine and on runway as culture shock. People needs time to adjust. I have to admit that I got my share of culture shock when I flipped through V Magazine's Size Issue which I bought from Sophia Books. Magazine features models such as Crystal Renn, Candice Huffine, Marquita Pring and Tara Lynn. I feel a bit uneasy when I look through the magazine for the first time. However, after more reads I see nothing strange at all. Probably because I got so used to see stick looking girls in magazine that actually made me feel strange to see other body type features in magazine.

We need more curvy girls in magazine!

I'm just glad to see V Magazine focus on the beauty of all body types instead of criticizing on the shallowness of the fashion industry.

These girls are fighters. To see girls like Crystal Renn stand tall in the model business gives encouragement to girls every where. Curvy girls are beautiful too! They deserve to be in the magazine and on the runway.

Recently I've heard Calvin Klein made decision not to cast size 0-2 models for their runway show anymore. Also the very curvy casting of Louis Vuitton Fall 2010 RTW. And Canadian designer Mark Fast's rise to international fame when he features many plus-size models for his Spring 2010 RTW show.

A sign of change indeed.

!Fashion Knowledge
Size 12 and up would be consider a plus-size.

V Magazine Size Issue

April 15, 2010

Lavi's Shop

Alice in Wonderland: The Tragedy of W. Rabbit 明信片 故事集。

Introducing my online shop.
The shop features my art works.
Grand opening...!
Right now features my self published book,
Alice in Wonderland: The Tragedy of W. Rabbit Postcard Storybook.


April 9, 2010

微整型 . Plastic Surgery



It's sad to see beautiful young girls spend money sticking needles on their face. 
Untruthful perception ,  Unnecessary tragedy.

image from google images.

April 5, 2010

卡通 . Avatar the Last Airbender

以前非常迷一個美國的動畫影集叫 Avatar the Last Airbender。 最近在拍真人電影版,出現一些片段畫面,也浮出一些問題。

I used to be obsessed about an American animated cartoon series called Avatar the Last Airbender. Recently they are filming a real action movie based on this cartoon. Some images surfaced online which cause the public to question the choice of casting.

後來想想覺得這部的創作者 Michael Dante DiMartino 和  Bryan Konietzko 非常不簡單,我從來沒有看過一部西方的動畫卡通那麼尊重亞州文化的。內容不但主角們都是亞州文化的背景與人種,裡頭的中文字全都有跟據的寫法,而且都是繁體中文!!!耶!有些字句也能夠寫的很優美。

To think back about this beloved cartoon, the creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko are truly amazing. I have never seen any Western cartoon so respectful towards the Asian culture. Not only the main characters came from Asian background. The Mandarin writings in the cartoon actually MAKE SENSE!! Plus they are beautifully done in traditional Mandarin.

比如說這段 Iroh將軍紀念兒子的片段,真的詮飾的很美,紙上的中文寫的字句也很完美。超愛這段的,每次看都想哭〜

For example this section from Avatar the Last Airbender's Tales of Ba Sing Se is just beautifully told. Makes me want to cry every time i watch it.