Thought Bubble

Thought Bubble: I shall hold my desires gently, patiently within my heart.

March 30, 2010

Chanel Spring 2010 Couture

畫了一張很春天的 Chanel Spring Collection,那個頭的造型很有趣,但如果一不小心就會變老氣了。

Spring is here!
Here is a very spring feeling illustration of Chanel Spring Collection I did. Very interesting head styling however can be a bit oldie looking when not careful.

March 23, 2010

時尚Alice . Couture Alice

我愛電影 Alice in Wonderland!!! 看完電影,感覺這部的背後訊息與自己最近的生活有關...我想要像Alice一樣,有主見的走自己的人生!看完電影有給自己充了些信心!電影中Alice穿的服裝我都好喜歡~~我也想穿~!來談Alice 的服裝吧!

I love the movie Alice in Wonderland! I feel the message in the story is related to my life. I want to become a strong-minded person like Alice. I feel I have gained some confidence after watching the movie. Absolutely love, love what Alice are wearing in the movie! I want to wear them too~ Let's talk about the fashion.

March 20, 2010

McQueen的最後16件憧境 . The Last 16 Visions By McQueen

2010 年 的 三月九日 是個特別的日子。

在巴黎 Francois Pinault 的沙龍室裡靜靜的舉行,Lee Alexander McQueen的儀式。16件他親手裁剪的最後作品,在他自殺前一星期內都默默裁剪製做的16件作品,正式呈現在全世界眼前。直到McQueen去世,16件作品差不多是80%完成。

背景放著是 McQueen 在剪裁時聽的歌劇音樂,毛骨悚然的魔音。

March 9, 2010 was a special day.
An ceremony was quietly taken place in salon of Francois Pinault, Paris. An special ceremony for Lee Alexander McQueen. The last 16 pieces of work hand crafted by him before his death are presented to the world.

The background music was a hunting opera soundtrack. McQueen worked on the last 16 pieces while listening to this music. The pieces were about 80% finished.


March 16, 2010

記念McQueen . McQueen Tribute


Lee, I want to thank you! It is you who allowed me to witness the extreme verge of beauty, the possibility to do the impossible and the infinite creativity for fashion.